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Angel’s Fury

  Angel’s Fury

  Tamara Whitlow

  Copyright © 2021 by Tamara Whitlow

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Amber Williams- editor

  Branson Graphics- cover

  Thank you to my friends and family for believing in me.

  A special thank you to my Beta Readers! You all rock.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74

  Chapter 75

  Chapter 76

  Chapter 77

  Chapter 78

  Chapter 79

  Chapter 80

  Chapter 81

  Chapter 82

  Chapter 83

  Chapter 84

  Chapter 85

  Chapter 86

  Chapter 87

  Chapter 88

  Chapter 89

  Chapter 90

  Chapter 91

  Chapter 92

  Chapter 93

  The Wizards Curse



  Ever since God made man and woman, *Angels have had a fascination with humans. They craved their independence and loved their freedom of sexuality. Being an Angel isn’t as easy as it seems. Humans have free will and Angels do not. It’s hard to see God create a being so free, yet Angels have to walk a thin line. Angels always envied God’s creation until one day an Angel left heaven and chose a human for their own. He was bold, and the other Angels watched in awe as he descended without the direct permission of God. God was furious when he tried to return and banished him far away from Him. God never wanted this to happen again, so he allowed them to go to earth with permission. No other Angel has had the nerve to disobey God and go to earth without permission. God has warned that once you disobey and leave heaven, you will not be allowed to enter back in. Because of the first Angel’s indiscretion, God created different sections of heaven called tiers. This Angel was banned to the furthest tier to guide the newest created Angels in. Now the Angels who prove themselves worthy can move closer to God, but the first one will never see God again.

  There are three levels of heaven. The bottom level comprises the Lesser Angels. They are known as the assists. If there is a human that is going through a rather difficult time, an Angel from one of the upper tiers will ask them to assist in helping. They have no known powers but can take on the power of the Angel that they are helping. Say for instance that an emotional Angel needs help, a lesser Angel can assist them and be able to help a human with their emotions. Once the job is done, the lesser Angel loses that ability after the job is finished. The second tier of heaven consists of your Guardian Angels. That name speaks for itself. They are the ones who watch over you as you sleep and protect you when you are in danger. The third tier are the closest to God. These Angels have the ability to do it all. They can heal, perform miracles, and even bring souls together that were meant to meet. These Angels are so protected because they are able to give the only loophole to humans and heaven. There is a prophesy that says that the daughter of an Angel closest to God will give unimaginable power to the one to whom she is fated.

  There are some Angels who don’t want to wait their turn to move closer to God, so they will do anything to grab hold of any power that they can. Taking power isn’t easy—but if you could marry a daughter? That’s a sure-fire way in the right direction. Sounds easy, right? But no female child has been born in decades... Until now.

  *Transcendent beings created to assist God in Heaven; known as Angels in Heaven, known on earth, simply as angels.


  Assan has been close to God for as long as time. He could still remember the day that God’s favorite was banished from heaven. When Lucifer was sent to hell, God was angry. God loved him but he chose to start a war, and that could not be tolerated. Then just as God was calming, an angel decided to go to earth without permission. Assan watched as God furiously made the different tiers of heaven. He’s been with God since the beginning, and he would do nothing to jeopardize that. As more angels were made and the tiers filled up, more angels moved closer to God. Most devote themselves to their tasks so that God smiles down at their work and they can move up. Assan has been a faithful servant to God for his whole existence, so he has never known another tier. Being so close to God, he has earned the right to go to and from earth from time to time but has never found anything worth his time until he laid eyes on the purest skin and brightest smile. He followed her into that restaurant and felt the heat from her skin as she passed by him. It felt as if his skin rippled as she walked by. Her smell was intoxicating, and he couldn’t help himself as he approached and asked her name. He had never felt this way about a human before.

  “Lenora.” Her timid voice announced.

  Beautiful. Even her name was magical.

  That evening, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She was there with another female and she too stole glances at him. As Lenora was about to leave, he stopped her and invited her to his hotel. He could tell that she was apprehensive, but he could also tell that she wanted him. He put on his charm and she was lost in him. She allowed him to escort her to his room and they ended up talking for hours until he couldn’t hold back anymore. As they sat on the couch, he pulled her forward and kissed her. He lost himself in the kiss. He pulled her on top of him and clothes were shed quickly. He made love to her like it was his last day on earth and in a way, it was. He gripped her hips as he released himself into her. He felt a part of himself release inside of her and he mourned the loss of it
as it was let go. He held her close as her breathing evened out and he cried. He knew from that moment on that he would never be the same. She would be his forever, and he would have to leave her.

  That next morning, he felt a tear fall from his eye as he watched her sleep. If only I could stay another day. He felt the pull from heaven and knew that she would be confused and angry at his departure. Angels are under strict orders to not reveal themselves to humans. If he were able to tell anyone, it would be her. He gently pushed the hair from her face and kissed her temple. The pull got stronger, and he knew that it was time to go.

  “Goodbye sweet Lenora. I’ll see you soon.”

  He watched her for as long as he could before the room and Lenora were faded away.

  Lenora grew up in a strict household, so to say that her parents were angry at her would be too kind. They couldn’t for the life of them understand why she would go with a stranger to a hotel, let alone come home pregnant. It was a shock to Lenora as well. She certainly didn’t mean for any of this to happen. When she had woken up in that hotel room alone, she panicked. She called her friend and got a ride back home. She couldn’t understand why he would just leave like that. All she got was his name, Assan. She had gone back to the hotel and the restaurant looking for this man, but there was no trace of him anywhere. She even had them check the cameras, but he was not in any of the shots. She was confused, scared, and in need of her parent’s love, but they had none for her. She was just starting college and should be living her best life. Now here she is, working part time at a grocery store. She wanted to do like her parents suggested and get an abortion, but she couldn’t. Something inside of her told her that this child was special. She didn’t know how or why, but she just knew. The day that she went into labor, it rained so hard, it felt as if the skies were crying. She was scared and alone. Her parents didn’t want any part of this birth. When she laid eyes on her baby girl, those eyes seemed to look deep into her soul. She knew in that moment that there was nothing that she wouldn’t do for this child. She ended up staying with her parents until Denise turned three, and she knew that she had to go. They cursed and berated her at every turn and never let Denise just play. She refused to have her daughter be brought down like she had been when she was growing up. She continued to work and saved up her money and moved into an apartment on the other side of town. The streets were rough, but she didn’t let that stop her from trying to make things better for her daughter. She didn’t know anyone around and kept to herself. When she got a new job at a bank, she was able to save up more money and move them downtown where the area was a lot nicer. She got Denise into a great school system and didn’t have to worry about crime. As Denise got older, Lenora felt as if she was missing something important. The way that Denise would look or do something that was too mature for her age made her question a lot about her daughter. She could swear that her eyes had changed colors a time or two. Maybe she was gifted? When Denise turned ten, she brought home a little girl named Mary and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Lenora loved that little girl and her Mom, Rebecca. Rebecca turned out to be the friend that she needed. Since her parents all but abandoned her, she was always alone. She finally had someone to hang out with and laugh and talk with. But there was something off about them and she could never put her finger on it. They seemed to know just when Denise was hurting or scared. The phone would ring in the middle of the night and the little girl would ask is Denise was okay. Where was her mother? It was weird, but she would never keep them apart. It was like they needed each other.

  When Denise went to high school, Denise was upset that Mary couldn’t go with her. Rebecca told them that Mary was going to a private school and couldn’t attend public school. As much as Lenora tried to get Denise excited about school, Denise fought her at every turn. She knew that it was hard for her daughter being one of the only minorities at the school, but she just knew that this was what Denise needed. Lenora saw that her grades were slipping and knew that she just had to stay on her. That was one of the roughest periods that she and Denise had. Now here she is in college and Lenora was proud. Denise chose to stay on campus and of course Lenora was heartbroken, but at least they were only a half hour away from each other. Denise called her mom just about every day and came home most weekends. She had never gotten into any trouble and always checked in. That’s why Lenora was so upset when one day Denise didn’t call. Lenora called all of her friends, but no one had heard from her. When she tried to call Mary and Rebecca, there was no answer either. For them not to answer was not right at all. One of them was always around.


  Denise has been in some crazy situations before, but none like this. She had never woken up in a place that she didn’t know. Now here she is waking up to blood everywhere. she looked down at her hands and couldn’t see anything but blood. She took inventory of her body and came to the conclusion that the blood was not hers. She looked around the room to try to get her bearings, but nothing looks familiar. Where in the hell am I? How did I get here? I think the biggest question is—Whose blood is this? There are no dead bodies anywhere around me, just pools of blood. She tried to stand, but her feet kept slipping in the puddle beneath her. What in the hell? She listened for any sounds and heard nothing. She turned on her knees and pushed herself up. God, my head hurts. She placed a hand in the back of her head and felt a lump.


  She looked down at her hand and bark a humorless laugh because she couldn’t tell if she was bleeding. There was way too much blood on her hands. She walked to the closed door and placed her ear on it. She couldn’t hear anything. She looked around and noticed that she was in an office of some sort. There are bookshelves that line the walls behind a huge desk and a colorful Arabian rug that is now ruined by blood. She walked over to see if she could see a name or something written on any paper, but the desk is clean. She tiptoed over to the window and peek out. She was at least on a third floor and saw nothing but grass. This place must be huge, but where am I?

  She finally snuck out of the office and crept down the hallway. She passed a door to a bedroom and peek inside. The bed was not made and there were clothes scattered all over the floor. She continued forward until she reached two sets of stairs. One goes downstairs on the left of the hall and the other goes down on the right.

  “Mary? Can you feel that I’m in danger? This would be a great time to look in on me!” she whispered.

  She chuckled as she thought about the first time that she had met Mary.

  I met Mary when I was ten years old, and she always claimed that she was a witch. I remember laughing and teasing her until she snapped her fingers one day and there was a flame at the tip of her middle finger. I was in awe and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our mothers loved each other also. We all spent almost every day with each other. Ever since we met, Mary has had a fascination with my hair. My mom actually taught her how to braid, and she would always practice on me. She had never seen a black girl with a curly afro, so we made a deal. She could play with my hair if she showed me things that she could do with her magic. Since she was so young, she didn’t know a lot about magic, just the basic spells that her Mom taught her. Her mom always warned her not to use magic on everyday things, but that didn’t stop her from making someone trip or getting us out of detention. One day when we were in high school, this boy named Jacob cornered me in the girls’ bathroom and tried to put his hands down my pants. All of a sudden, the water from the faucets turned on and water shot up toward the ceiling. Jacob was so scared that he fell backwards and hit his head on one of the stall doors. He ran so fast out of that bathroom screaming. It would be funny if the whole school didn’t accuse me of witchcraft. I took it in stride though. I was one of only three black kids at the school, so I was already looked down on. One of the perks was that it did get people to leave me alone, but I was really ostracized after that incident. Somehow, I knew that Mary had something to do with this. Mary and I didn’t go to the
same high schools, and for that I was always sad. I felt like I always needed her with me. She had a way to make me feel comforted. Her mom put her in a different school that helped her develop her magic. I always wished that I was special so that I could go to school with her. Anyway, the evening of the incident, I called Mary, and it was confirmed.

  “Mary, something happened today.”

  “I know.”

  “Wait… You know? How would you know?”

  “I will never let anyone hurt you, Denise.”